Theoretical Sciences - Groups
Seismology and Artificial Intelligence

Among all forces of nature, earthquakes are considered one of the most devastating threats. They regularly cause enormous human and structural losses worldwide. Even though analysis and measurement methods have been continuously improved over the past decades, it is still not possible to make reliable predictions. While many indications of an increased earthquake probability are known, these do not allow for an exact prediction of the location and timing of catastrophic events.
In this project methods of AI are transferred to seismology. Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches will be applied on earthquake data. For this purpose, new AI methods are developed, which can be used not only for the understanding of earthquakes but also for other natural disasters. The resulting know-how will also be used in teaching and research. Furthermore, it could be transferred to industrial applications.
More News
- 6 April 2022 - Pre-print available CREIME: A Convolutional Recurrent model for Earthquake Identification and Magnitude Estimation
- 6 April 2022 - Pre-print available Deep Learning-based Small Magnitude Earthquake Detection and Seismic Phase Classification
- 16 March 2022 - Research Article publishesd Automated Seismo-Volcanic Event Detection Applied to Stromboli (Italy)

Claudia Quinteros
Office: 3|403 (FIAS)
Phone: +49 69 798 47698

Abel Daniel Zaragoza Alonzo
PhD Student

Patrick Laumann
Master Student
Office: 3|102 (FIAS)
Phone: +49 69 798 47628

Javier Quintero Arenas
Bachelor Student