Arbeitsgruppe Franziska Matthäus - The Beauty of Theoretical Biology
Dear authors,
By the end of the deadline on November 30 our count of submissions has increased to 96! This was only possible because of your commitment. We want to thank you very much for all the fantastic images you submitted. Because of several requests we decided to keep the submission system open to further contributions while text and layout work of the book is in process.
Data analysis, numerical treatment of a model, or simulation results can result in stunning images which represent pieces of art just by themselves. We aim at collecting images which were created in the process of research in theoretical biology, and publishing a collection of these images in a book. Our partner in this project is Springer Publishing (Heidelberg), showing strong interest and support. In addition, the images will be prepared for exhibition at conferences and public places of participating academic institutions.
We are inviting contributions consisting of the following two parts:
The Stunning Image
Preferentially generated as scalable vector graphics (EPS or SVG) or with a possibility for reproduction at very high resolution. We strongly welcome images that were postprocessed solely with the aim at enhancing visual impact (artist's touch). All images must be related to a topic in the field of theoretical biology. They may be derived from data analysis, modeling or simulation, but also submission of 'free art' is possible, if the connection to theoretical biology is made clear by the artist.
Extended and Structured Abstract (1 page)
This abstract should contain the following sections:
- Title for the piece of art, list of authors and affiliations.
- Scientific Background: What does the image show? Which model or tool was used to create it? What was the biological question?
- Which steps were involved in postprocessing to enhance visual impact?
Official deadline expired November 30, 2017.
Presently, submissions of high quality may still be accepted while text and layout work is ongoing. Please contact the editors in case of questions.
How to submit
Please use the Springer Online Conference System (OCS) for your submission. Got to:
and register using your email address. At the first registration the system provides a password.
After registration the OCS menu provides the option to submit. Alternatively use the following link for direct submission
For first submissions please provide ONLY:
- Title (creative, not scientific)
- List of authors and their affiliations
- The image
Image format:
The system requires images to be submitted as PDF. If your image is given in another format the PDF can be the converted image (or a screen shot). In this case the real image should be submitted as a source file in .zip format.
Please note: Only for selected images we will ask for a structured abstract at a later time point. Abstract or keywords are not required for the first submission.
Please use the field “Abstract” to provide information on the image format (e.g. "submitted as PDF” or “zipped file contains image in .svg format”).
If the system requires keywords just repeat the title.
Editorial Team
Franziska Matthäus
FIAS / Frankfurt University
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Thomas Hillen
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
632 Central Academic Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G1 Canada
Sarah Harris
Computational Biophysics Group
Soft Matter and Theoretical Physics,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK