Triesch Lab - Publications






  • Self-Calibrating Vision through Active Efficient Coding on a Novel Robotic Binocular Vision Platform
    J Mahn, C Wilmot, BE Shi, J Triesch
    Human-like Behavior and Cognition in Robots Workshop at the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021)
    (best poster award)



  • Evaluating the Ergonomics of a Virtual Reality Software for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Amblyopia
    J Schneider, J Tittes, M Fronius, P Feige, Y Wenner, R Hess, J Triesch
  • A Computational Model of the Development and Treatment of Anisometropic Amblyopia
    S Eckmann, L Klimmasch, BE Shi, J Triesch














    • Modeling the Emergence of Gaze Following
      J. Triesch
      KI - Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, 2006.
    • Gaze following: how (not) to derive predictions from a computational model
      J. Triesch, C. Teuscher, G. Deak
      Developmental Science, 9(2):156-157, 2006.
    • Change Blindness During Multiple Interactions With a Single Object
      A.E. Robinson, J. Triesch, M.M. Hayhoe, J.A. Droll, and B.T. Sullivan.
      Journal of Vision, Volume 6, Number 6, Abstract 986, Page 986a, doi:10.1167/6.6.986.
    • Using Eye Direction Cues for Gaze Following - A Developmental Model
      H. Jasso and J. Triesch
      Proc. of the International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2006).
    • A reinforcement learning model explains the development of gaze following
      H. Jasso, J. Triesch, C. Teuscher, and G. Deak
      International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM2006), Trieste, Italy, April 5-8, 2006.
    • Exploring the role of intrinsic plasticity for the learning of sensory representations
      N. Butko and J. Triesch
      European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN2006), Bruges, Belgium, April 26-28, 2006.
    • The combination of STDP and intrinsic plasticity yields complex dynamics in recurrent spiking networks
      A. Lazar, G. Pipa, and J. Triesch
      European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN2006), Bruges, Belgium, April 26-28, 2006.
    • A possible representation of reward in the learning of saccades
      C. Weber and J. Triesch
      Proc. Int. Conf. on Epigenetic Robotics (EPIROB06).
    • The emergence of attention-sharing skills in human infants
      Gedeon Deak and Jochen Triesch
      In: K. Fujita & S. Itakura (Eds.), Diversity of cognition. University of Kyoto Press.






    • Approaches and problems in the study and design of modular systems
      J Triesch
      Organic Computing Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, 2001.
    • What you see is what you need
      J Triesch, DH Ballard, MH Hayhoe, and B Sullivan
      Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, California, 2001.


    • Self-Organized Integration of Adaptive Visual Cues for Face Tracking
      J Triesch
      In: Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IV, Belur V. Dasarathy, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4051, p. 397-406 (2000).



    • Object Recognition with Multiple Feature Types
      J Triesch, C Eckes
      In: ICANN 98: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, September 2-4 1998, Skövde, Sweden, 1998.
    • GripSee: A Robot for Visually-Guided Grasping
      M Becker, E Kefalea, E Maël, C von der Malsburg, M Pagel, J Triesch, JC Vorbrüggen, S Zadel
      In: ICANN 98: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, September 2-4 1998, Skövde, Sweden, 1998.
    • A Gesture Interface for Human-Robot-Interaction
      J Triesch and C von der Malsburg
      In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG'98), April 14-16 1998 in Nara, Japan.
    • Robotic Gesture Recognition by Cue Combination
      J Triesch and C von der Malsburg
      In: J. Dassow and R. Kruse (eds.), "Informatik '98: Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache", September 21-25, Magdeburg, Germany, 1998.
    • The GripSee Project: A Gesture-controlled Robot for Learning and Using Object Representations 
      M Becker, E Kefalea, E Maël, C von der Malsburg, M Pagel, J Triesch, JC Vorbrüggen, RP Würtz, S Zadel
      Architectures in Cognitive Robotics, Report 98/13 of the SFB 360, University of Bielefeld, 1998.


    • Robotic Gesture Recognition
      J Triesch, C von der Malsburg
      In: "Gesture and Sign-Language in Human-Computer Interaction", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1371: 233-244, Springer, 1997.


    • Binding - a proposed experiment and a model
      J Triesch, C von der Malsburg
      In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Bochum, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1112, Springer, 1996.
    • Robust Hand Posture Classification against Complex Backgrounds,
      J Triesch, C von der Malsburg
      In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Killington, Vermont, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.


    • Metrik im visuellen System (in German) (1995)
      J Triesch
      Master Thesis. Institut für Neuroinformatik., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, September 1994
      Published as Internal Report IRINI95-05 of the Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr Universität Bochum